Posted on Fri, Apr. 25, 2008
Social justice
It was gratifying to see that the Christian
conservative Heritage Foundation has finally joined us liberal Christians in
recognizing Jesus Christ's call for social justice. (See Monday commentary
"Social justice -- is it just a matter for the government?")
I suspect that this late but welcome
entrance has something to do with young people tending toward the liberal
Christian desire to follow Christ in ministering to "the least of
However, the conservatives often
couch Christian belief in an either/or light. The ministry of social justice by
all Christians is best achieved by using all means available, including
individual generosity, church giving and charity organizations sharing along
with local, state and federal government, identifying and helping those in need
who aren't reached by any other method.
Whatever the motive, it's good to see
young liberals and old conservatives join in "loving your neighbor as
-- David
Posted on
Social justice -- is it just a
matter for the government?
The Heritage Foundation
When it comes
to faith and politics, young evangelicals are getting a lot of attention these
days. Several recent polls and a slew of new books suggest that social justice
concerns are prompting evangelicals under the age of 30 to move left
politically. As part of the largest religious group in the
Experts are
also noting among younger evangelicals a desire for less institutional and more
personal forms of faith. As author George Barna
notes, they're searching for "unique, highly personalized church
experiences" that "render people's spiritual lives more
exciting," "novel," "personal" and
"worthwhile" than what they experience in conventional church settings.
If these
experts are correct, then it seems the average evangelical Christian somewhere
in her 20s -- let's call her Eva -- is looking for a religious community that
emphasizes personal faith and a political movement that emphasizes social
justice. But if the latter leads her to support big-government social programs,
Eva may end up at cross-purposes, seeking the personal for herself while
suggesting the impersonal as a solution for others.
If she's
typical of her generation, Eva may not detect an inconsistency between her
preference for the personal when it comes to faith and an embrace of policies
that grow the welfare state when it comes to politics.
is about private faith, and politics is about justice," she would likely
say. "If people are trapped in poverty, that's a matter of justice, and it's
the government's responsibility to change that."
understanding here reflects the modern tendency to divorce faith and politics
into two separate spheres: one private, the other public; one concerning love,
the other concerning justice.
But justice
is not the call of government alone. Families pursue justice when they teach
their children to take turns playing with a toy. Teachers pursue justice when
they grade papers fairly. Employers pursue justice by offering appropriate
compensation to their employees. Congregations do the same by serving the
"orphan and widow."
If justice is
something that all individuals and institutions are called to seek in their
day-to-day relationships and spheres of activity, then government has its
appropriate role in justice, too: making public judgments in view of justice.
Government's role is to enact and enforce laws that allow all members of
society to fulfill their moral obligations to one another.
It is
dangerous to view government as the single institution responsible for bringing
about just relationships or fulfilling our moral obligations. Those tasks lie
with us all. Rather, a well-ordered government publicly expresses society's
understanding of justice and judges actions that harm or threaten it.
So Eva's desire
to pursue social justice is laudable, but supporting the expansion of
government programs is not necessarily the best way to express her concern. One
of the most strategic and practical places Eva could turn in seeking justice
for the poor is her church.
local churches in
Eva's concern
for social justice should give her pause in turning over responsibility for the
least of these to the government. If large numbers of young Evas
Evas may
call upon the church to offer more personal forms of faith. But they also
should call upon it to provide opportunities for serving the needy -- a crucial
step in pursuing justice.
Ryan Messmore is the William E. Simon Fellow in Religion and a
Free Society at the Heritage Foundation.