Not al-Qaeda, but lies
Re: "Al-Qaeda is real winner," John Shearer, Wednesday Letters.
Mr. Shearer wrote that al-Qaeda influenced Spain's election, but it was the Spanish government lying about the attacks that caused its defeat.
It's the same as our government lying to us about Iraq. When governments learn not to lie, we can decide elections on ideals. The trouble with these conservatives is that lying to stay in power is one of their ideals.
David Perkins, Fort Worth
Re: Al Qaeda is real winner, John Sherer, Wednesday, November 15th, 2006
Mr. Sherer wrote, “Al-Qaeda influenced Spain's election.” That’s not true! It was the Spanish government lying about the Al Qaeda attacks, blaming them on Basque separatists, that got that Spanish government defeated. I know, I was there in Madrid on vacation when it happened.
It’s the same as our government lying to us about Iraq that finally the electorate had a bellyful and defeated the conservatives.
When governments learn not to lie to the people, then we can decide elections on ideals. Trouble with this current crop of conservatives is that lying to stay in power is one of their ideals.
David Perkins
Fort Worth
Al-Qaeda is real winner
While Democrats celebrate their great political victory, al-Qaeda also celebrates. Whether you agree with the war in Iraq, al-Qaeda determined the election outcome more than anyone else.
Using violence in Iraq, it influenced American voters and produced its desired outcome, a Democratic victory. Al-Qaeda influenced Spain's election this way, and it now has determined our congressional election.
According to recent news reports, al-Qaeda has become much more emboldened because of this great victory. From the Islamic perspective, America has now set a course for eventual capitulation – all al-Qaeda needs to do is put enough violent pressure on American voters.
It appears al-Qaeda understands us better than we understand ourselves.
John Shearer, Allen